How to plant honeysuckle in the fall. Edible honeysuckle: varieties, planting in spring and autumn in the open field, cultivation, reproduction, pruning and care, pests and diseases, processing and treatment

Today, it has become popular to plant various crops in the garden. It's no secret that vegetables and fruits from their own site have a huge amount of vitamins, since there are no artificial additives in them. And the harvest from your own estate is much cheaper than purchased products.

Many gardeners love to grow on their backyard.They are very versatile plants, because they not only look great against the background of the house, but can also be used as a hedge, and also bring a delicious harvest every year. One of these shrubs, gaining in last years great popularity is honeysuckle. The berries of this plant are of high value, so every gardener is interested in the question of when it is better to plant honeysuckle.

general information

As it turned out, only a few domestic gardeners have heard of honeysuckle and have at least some idea of ​​this shrub. The berries of this plant are very rich in various vitamins and microelements, and in their beneficial properties, honeysuckle is much superior to blueberries and blackberries.

However, honeysuckle, how to plant and care for which will be discussed later, is valued not only for its beneficial properties. The shrub has extraordinary beauty, so it will perfectly hide all the disadvantages of the garden. In addition, honeysuckle can also be used in landscaping. Summer gazebos entwined with shrubs will look just amazing, and during the flowering period the plant will fill the air with an amazing sweetish smell.

However, in order for the shrubs to always delight you, you must not only know how to plant honeysuckle correctly, but also have an idea of ​​the features of caring for it. Indeed, not only the beauty of the shrub depends on this, but also the amount of the harvest, and the taste of the berries. With the right care, a good harvest is guaranteed.

Ideal landing site

Honeysuckle is a very unpretentious plant that perfectly adapts to any climatic conditions. However, in order for the bush to take root in a new place and grow strong, it is very important to choose a suitable place for planting it. So where to plant honeysuckle? The plant thrives best in open areas that receive a lot of sunlight.

In darkened areas, honeysuckle will not only grow more slowly and yield lower yields, but it will also be more susceptible to various diseases. And in places blown by northern winds, the bush will not only look unattractive, but it may also stop producing berries. Drafts have a detrimental effect on honeysuckle, so there must be other plants, a fence or some kind of building nearby. If there are none, then artificial sheds should be created.

Ground requirements

Honeysuckle, how to plant and care for which you will learn a little later, does not have any requirements and preferences for the composition and quality of the soil. The shrub grows well even on poor soil. Best of all, the plant takes root on loose soil, which contains sand or clay.

It is not recommended to plant honeysuckle in wetlands, as high humidity can lead to decay of the root system and the death of the plant. If your area is wetland, it is very important to establish a reliable drainage system that can effectively drain excess moisture from the roots. And if the groundwater is very close to the surface, then you need to plant the bushes on high ridges.

A few words about the yield

If honeysuckle is planted in fertile soil, it will yield a decent harvest every year. As for the taste of berries, they depend on many factors. For the fruits to be tasty and rich in vitamins, it is necessary to take into account the botanical properties of the plant, as well as know at what distance to plant honeysuckle. Shrub flowers are excellently pollinated, so it is better to plant them near other garden plants.

Planting methods for honeysuckle

There are several ways to grow honeysuckle, however, there is no unequivocal opinion which one is better, since every gardener practices a certain method.

There are the following ways to grow a bush:

  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • seeds;
  • saplings.

The first two are more preferable, since in this case the honeysuckle takes root faster and begins to yield. However, despite this, most gardeners choose to plant seeds. This is because the seeds are very easy to find. The negative side of this method is that the taste of the berries in this case is very dependent on the quality of the planting material. Therefore, the best option is to plant seedlings that take root well and begin to grow quickly. You will learn more about when to plant honeysuckle later.

If you decide to plant seedlings, then when buying, you should take into account their age. Experienced gardeners recommend using two-year-old seedlings that have two to four branches about 35 centimeters long. In addition, it is very important to pay attention to the root system. She must be well developed and healthy. It is equally important to know when to plant honeysuckle. The thing is that the buds of this shrub begin to bloom very early, therefore, in order for the plant to delight you with its fragrance and delicious berries in spring, it is important to plant seedlings on time. The best time for this is the beginning or middle of autumn.

Experienced honeysuckle growers for a long time also fully adhere to this opinion. If you plant a bush in late September or early October, then it will be able to normally adapt to the type of soil and climatic characteristics of your region and will overwinter well. Therefore, the answer is unambiguous: we plant honeysuckle in the fall.

The plant grows very quickly and a lush beautiful crown is formed on it, which can reach two meters in diameter. Therefore, when choosing a landing site, this should be taken into account. It is not recommended to plant the bushes very close to each other, as this will negatively affect the yield and quality of the berries.

How to plant cuttings?

So, we figured out how to plant honeysuckle in spring with a seedling, so it's time to talk about the correct planting of cuttings. The hole for them should be about half a meter wide and about 4 centimeters deep. In order for the cutting to take root well, the bottom of the hole must be anointed with a nutrient-rich substrate. You can either buy fertilizer or make it yourself.

This will require:

  • humus or compost - 2 buckets;
  • potassium salt - 200 grams;
  • double superphosphate - 200 gr.
  • any organic fertilizer - 2 glasses;
  • nitrophoska - 60 grams;
  • wood ash - one and a half glasses.

Any of these substrates will need enough to fill the well approximately halfway. When it is cooked, the substrate is poured into the hole, after which it is covered for several days, and only then you can start planting the cuttings.

How to plant honeysuckle in spring? The cutting should be very carefully placed in the hole, carefully distributing the roots in the substrate. In this case, it is very important that there are no air pockets in the fertilizer. Then the hole is covered with ordinary earth. In this case, you should not compact the soil very strongly, since over time it will sit down anyway. When the hole is filled up, the plant should be well watered, and the soil should be loosened a little to ensure the flow of oxygen to the root system. The soil of the hole is sprinkled with mulch. If you follow these simple guidelines, the cutting will take root well in the garden and will grow rapidly.

Since the seed growing method is one of the most popular and used by most gardeners, it is very important to know how to plant honeysuckle in the spring.

Step-by-step landing instructions are as follows:

  1. Wide containers are prepared, which are covered with sand.
  2. The soil is thoroughly watered with water, after which seeds are laid out on its surface, which should be sprinkled with a small layer of moistened sand.
  3. When the disembarkation is completely completed, the container is covered with a tight lid and sent to the refrigerator on the lowest shelf.

It is important to understand that seeds germinate for a long time, so you can get the first harvest in about five years. In addition, the seeds need proper care. The moisture content of the sand should be checked every 10 days. If it becomes completely dry, then watering should be done. In this case, you should not pour the seeds too much. It will be enough to just slightly moisten the sand to make it wet.

After about 6 months, when the seeds have germinated, the honeysuckle should be transplanted into larger containers. Sand during transplantation is replaced by garden soil, which is sprinkled on top with a small layer of sand. After transplanting, the plant needs more intensive watering, however, do not be too zealous, as this can lead to decay of the root system.

Knowing how to seed honeysuckle properly in spring is only half the battle, as it is very important to provide the plant with proper care. The containers are tightly wrapped with foil and placed in the summer cottage under the trees. It is best to choose a shaded area, protected from direct sunlight. After the emergence of honeysuckle sprouts, the film is removed and the plant is kept in the open air.

When the sprouts have increased slightly in size, they can be planted in the garden. It is recommended to make a small bed, as well as to enclose with boards. If planting is carried out in the fall, then the soil is sprinkled with branches of conifers or any other mulch that you have at your disposal. This will slow down the evaporation of moisture and protect the root system from frost.

Watering and feeding

So, we have already decided when to plant honeysuckle, so it's time to talk about proper watering and feeding the shrub. The plant is very unpretentious to care for, however, some features still exist. Every spring, it is necessary to huddle the hole. In this case, you should be extremely careful not to damage the root system. Then the honeysuckle is fed and mulched.

All these procedures are mandatory for the first five years after planting the bush in open ground. This is due to the fact that this is how much the formation of the root system takes. This is precisely the reason for the lack of good yields during the first years of the plant's life. But in the sixth year, honeysuckle will gain all its strength and begin to bring a large number of incredibly tasty and healthy berries.

Watering the shrub is necessary often, but in moderation. The plant needs an abundant amount of moisture only at the beginning of spring, when the flowering period begins. With the onset of fruiting, watering should be done every day, and at least a bucket of water is needed for one bush. During dry and hot months, the amount of water can be increased. With a lack of moisture, the shrub begins to yield significantly less yield, and the taste of the berries deteriorates noticeably.

Answering the question of when to plant honeysuckle, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer, since the shrub begins to grow well, both in spring and in autumn planting. However, regardless of the season, every year the plant is poured with a solution of wood ash, for the preparation of which it will take a liter of the drug for a bucket of water.

As for feeding, it is mandatory for honeysuckle. Spring feeding is carried out before the appearance of the first foliage with the help of ammonium nitrate. In autumn, wood ash, superphosphate and compost are used. However, it is very important not to overfeed the plant, since an excess of fertilizer will negatively affect growth.

Soil management and shrub rejuvenation

Answering the question of how to plant honeysuckle in spring, one should not ignore the equally important issue of working with the soil and rejuvenation. In order for the harvests to be plentiful, and the taste of the berries to be preserved, it is necessary to loosen the soil throughout the entire period of active flowering. This will saturate the roots with oxygen and prevent the soil from drying out. It is also very important to deal with weeds in a timely manner, as they interfere with the normal growth and development of the bush. At the end of autumn, before the onset of the first frost, the holes are sprinkled with mulch, with which the honeysuckle can withstand even very severe frosts.

Pruning damaged and diseased branches is very important for normal growth and high yields. In addition, every 10 years, rejuvenation is also a must, since without it, the quantity and quality of the crop will be significantly reduced. Experienced gardeners recommend pruning shrubs in early spring. If the honeysuckle is very old, then you can cut off all the branches, leaving only the shoots, after which it is recommended to feed the plant.

Honeysuckle is an amazing plant that has many advantages over other berry bushes. It is very easy to care for and takes root well in any climatic conditions. In addition, the harvest of honeysuckle ripens earlier than that of other crops, and the berries have a unique taste and healing effect.

Honeysuckle is widely known in our country. There are many varieties of this culture. Ornamental honeysuckle can be found. Such varieties are a real treasure for landscape design lovers. They look great in the form of a hedge, they tolerate a haircut well. There are even curly varieties.

Berry crops include edible honeysuckle. It is a shrub that can reach a height of 2 meters. Honeysuckle fruits are dark blue in color. They have a sweet and sour taste and are slightly bitter. But this is what makes them unique.

Honeysuckle is one of the first to bear fruit. And this is its main advantage! You get rich in vitamins berries in early to mid-June... The fruits of this culture contain a huge amount of vitamins, as well as many trace elements that are indispensable for human health. This largely determines the widespread use of honeysuckle in medicine.

It is used for heart and vascular diseases, for problems with blood pressure, vitamin deficiency. Honeysuckle is especially recommended for people living in areas contaminated with radiation. And this is not the whole spectrum of the medicinal potential of this berry.

Honeysuckle easily tolerates frost: growth buds and wood can withstand frost at minus 50 ° C, flower buds and root system - minus 40 ° C, and the first sprouts are ready to survive frosts down to minus 8 ° C. Climbing plants are more thermophilic.

This culture can bear fruit for almost 20 years, with proper care.

Honeysuckle is highly resistant to pests.

Planting honeysuckle

Before proceeding directly to planting, you need to solve two questions:

  • Where is the best place to plant honeysuckle.
  • How to choose the right seedlings for planting.

Optimal landing site

Honeysuckle not very demanding plant, but still worth knowing what she loves. If you do not take into account her preferences, then the yield will be significantly lower.

Honeysuckle does not like too acidic soil, it is better if it is neutral acidity. If this condition is not met, then fruiting will drop sharply, and the foliage will become pale. It is optimal to plant this berry in loamy soil, with the addition of organic fertilizers.

She will be grow poorly on heavy and waterlogged soils, as well as in areas that are too dry. With an excess of moisture, the roots of the plant begin to rot. Therefore, the landing site should not be where groundwater is close to the surface. But watering should be regular, especially in hot weather. Honeysuckle loves humid air and does not tolerate strong winds.

When deciding where to place the honeysuckle, pay attention to the lighting. This plant loves sunny places. You can plant in the shade, but then the number of fruits will be much less. In some varieties, it is better to shade the lower branches, but this condition is fulfilled naturally in a dense planting.

Honeysuckle cross-pollinated... Therefore, you need to plant several bushes of different varieties at once. If you grow only one bush or use a single variety, then the plant will bloom profusely, but it will not yield a harvest.

Choosing seedlings

Be sure to check with the seller features of seedlings: variety, age, taste, yield. When buying, be guided by the following tips:

Honeysuckle varieties differ in growing season... This process occurs a little later in Alpine honeysuckle, Maak, small-leaved and others, so they can be planted in spring. And it is better to plant edible honeysuckle in the autumn, since its vegetation begins earlier than the ground thaws. For this, the period from August to September is best suited. By this time, the bush has already stopped growing, buds are forming in it. If you have purchased seedlings with closed roots, then they can be planted at any time from spring to autumn, regardless of the variety.

Features of spring planting of honeysuckle

Planting in spring is carried out mainly by transferring an earthen coma with a seedling from one location to another. Everything must be done very carefully. If the buds of the plant have already blossomed, then it is not advisable to touch it. Better to plant honeysuckle in the spring in a place where where the sun is all day long.

Planting honeysuckle step by step

If planting is carried out in spring, then the optimal time is late April - early May, and in autumn - mid-September. Consider the main stages of planting honeysuckle.

Honeysuckle care

By caring for honeysuckle correctly, you create all the conditions for abundant flowering and an excellent harvest. Optimal care includes weeding, loosening, watering, feeding, cutting.


In the spring and summer, the soil under the honeysuckle be sure to loosen... The process should be superficial, as the roots are very close. If mulching is done efficiently, then loosening can be avoided. In the fall, the soil is dug to a depth of 15 centimeters. Better to use a pitchfork.

Watering and feeding

For honeysuckle, soil moisture is very important, since the root system is located close to the soil surface. The amount of watering depends on the weather conditions, the composition of the substrate and the soil's ability to retain water. Naturally, in the heat, frequent watering is required. If the plant lacks moisture, then the berries will be very bitter.

Top dressing is performed in early spring with the help of mineral fertilizers: from twenty to thirty grams of fertilizer are applied per square meter. Nitrogen-containing top dressing is applied in early spring, and phosphorus-potassium - in autumn. In the same period, ash is used to maintain the plant: 0.1–0.2 kg per 1 square meter.

Organic fertilizers begin to be applied from the third year. One bucket is enough for each plant.


Need to avoid thickening of bushes... When the honeysuckle is six years old, a sanitary pruning should be done. To do this, remove all broken, diseased branches under the base. Then every 2-3 years you need to thin out the crown, removing all old branches and leaving about five of the strongest bushes. The tops should not be touched, since they have buds with flowers.

If the honeysuckle is more than 15 years old, then you can cut it at the root and leave a stump 40 cm high. Next year, new young and strong shoots will appear.

On curly honeysuckle, only sanitary pruning is usually carried out.


Honeysuckle can be propagated in three ways:

  • using seeds;
  • green cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

Seed method

Seed propagation is very time consuming and ineffective. This method is only of interest to breeders. With this method, the parental properties are not preserved, the plant can give both very poor and very good yields.

The seeds are better take from the juiciest berries... If the honeysuckle variety ripens early, then such seeds can be immediately planted in the ground or in some container, which is covered with a film. After the sprouts appear, it is removed. By autumn, these sprouts have two or three full-fledged leaves. For the winter, such seedlings must be covered.

It is best to sow seeds in early spring. Before sowing, they are soaked in potassium permanganate. Use special containers with a light and fertile substrate. The seeds are placed on the surface of the soil and pressed, and then covered with a thin layer of sand. The optimum temperature for germination is 24 ° C. Regular watering is required. The sprouts appear in thirty days. After a year, seedlings can be dived into the beds at a distance of five centimeters.

Disadvantages of this method: you have to wait about five years before fruiting, you cannot be sure of the yield and taste of the fruit, since the varietal characteristics are not preserved.

Green cuttings

This is the most effective method reproduction. It is necessary to wait for the appearance of green fruits on the honeysuckle. At this time, you can start harvesting cuttings. Cut the shoots of the current year about 10 cm long. Cut the shoot from above at a distance of one centimeter from the bud. Leave 2-3 knots. The bottom cut is made at an angle. The upper leaves are cut in half.

Green cuttings are planted in a greenhouse. After about one or two weeks, they will take root. It is better to leave the cuttings for the winter right in the greenhouse, covering them well. In the spring, you can land in a permanent place.

Dividing the bush

Dividing the bush can only be done for honeysuckle from 8 years old... The wood of this plant is very durable, so you have to use an ax or a saw. Each part obtained should have 2-3 branches, 2 stems and a root at least 200 mm long. Such cuttings are immediately planted in a prepared place.

The strongest branches are used for harvesting, the age of which is one year. It is better to perform such a division before bud break. Each part should be 150–180 mm long. When planting, the cuttings are deepened by ten centimeters. After about a month, the cuttings should have roots.


If you used seedlings, then the first fruiting must be expected in 2-3 years, and the maximum yield - in 4–5 years.

The first berries appear around the end of May. It all depends on the variety. But the ripening process itself is prolonged, the fruits ripen unevenly. This is the main disadvantage of honeysuckle. It is impossible to postpone harvesting, as the berries crumble very easily. Therefore, the collection of fruits is carried out several times.

It is necessary to spread the film before starting cleaning. Overripe berries will fall on it, which you can then easily pick.

With proper planting and optimal care, honeysuckle can delight you with vitamin berries for 20-25 years.

A very interesting plant is edible honeysuckle. This is an unpretentious plant, it adapts to various types of soil and harsh climates, and therefore does not require special care. It is desirable that honeysuckle is an edible planting and reproduction care for which is very simple, and the berries that it gives have a mass useful properties appeared in your garden.

In addition, it can grow in a wide range of soil acidity - from pH 4.5 to pH 7.5. However, if you plant honeysuckle right on the virgin soil in an undeveloped area, then the quality and quantity of berries fall so low that there is no need to acquire it.

Where to plant honeysuckle at their summer cottage?

A place for planting honeysuckle should be chosen so that the plant is illuminated by the sun all day. At the same time, they can be planted from the northern side of the site and not worry about covering from cold winds.

Honeysuckle can even be planted under trees on the south side so that the sun hits them. The distance between the bushes should be at least 1.5 meters, since over time the bushes will spread very wide and the passages between them will become very narrow. Honeysuckle has very fragile branches that break off easily if not gently touched when picking berries. Bushes can be planted in a group in a corner or distributed along a line along a fence or site boundary. Black currants are a good neighbor for honeysuckle, so they can be grown in the same row.

To grow a hedge, honeysuckle bushes are planted along the edge of the plot with a distance between plants of 0.5 to 1.5 m. With a distance between the bushes of 0.5 m, you will get a dense hedge.

How to plant honeysuckle

First, you should dig the planting holes measuring 40 x 40 x 40 cm. The hole is well filled with rotted compost at the rate of 2 buckets for one honeysuckle bush. Add a liter can of ash and 3 tablespoons of double granular superphosphate to the pit.

Instead of ash, you can take chalk, dolomite or half a liter jar of lime and add 2 tablespoons of potash fertilizer to 3 tablespoons of superphosphate. If the planting of honeysuckle in edible spring occurs on sandy soils, then the dose of organic feeding is increased to 3 buckets.

Then you should mix everything that you brought into the planting pit, water it with water so that the soil becomes moist throughout the depth of the pit. Just before planting honeysuckle, make a small mound in the center inside the pit. Spread the roots. If there are broken ones, then, of course, they should be cut to a whole part. Fill on top with any loose soil, including the one that was taken out when digging a hole. Be sure to water it again with water so that the soil adheres well to the roots, and add it additionally on top.

Since honeysuckle does not give root processes, it is possible not to bury it when planting in the soil, but according to the observations of gardeners, it is better to deepen the root collar by 5-6 cm, since with age, adventitious roots are formed on the lower buried part of the trunk of honeysuckle planted in spring ...

The soil under the plantings should be immediately mulched with any mulching materials, including this can be done with layers of newspaper to prevent moisture evaporation from the surface.

Please note - planting honeysuckle seedlings in spring has an important point. Honeysuckle seedlings when planting, unlike most berry bushes, are not shortened, because this retards the growth and development of the seedling, and, consequently, its entry into fruiting. The value of honeysuckle is precisely that it begins to bear fruit quickly.

When to plant honeysuckle?

It is considered that the best time for planting honeysuckle in the garden - this is autumn. Shrubs planted in spring take root less well.

If you want to know how to plant honeysuckle in spring, then follow the rules described above and do it very early - in April, before flowering, when there is still a lot of melt water in the soil.In this case, honeysuckle will take root well when planting in spring.

Before planting honeysuckle, teach that most varieties are self-fertile. In order for the honeysuckle bushes to pollinate among themselves, you need to plant 3-5 different varieties.

Planting, caring for and breeding edible honeysuckle raises a number of questions. We will answer the most common ones.

What is the best way to propagate honeysuckle - by seed or cuttings?

Reproduction of edible honeysuckle is possible both by seeds and cuttings. Up to 200 edible honeysuckle cuttings can be harvested from one adult bush.

How to cook honeysuckle cuttings:

  • For lignified cuttings, use the strongest annual branches, at least 7 - 8 mm in diameter. They must be cut from the bushes in early spring, at the end of March, before bud break.
  • Cut into pieces 15 - 18 cm long and plant them, as soon as the ground thaws, directly into the greenhouse or garden bed, burying 10 cm into the soil so that only the two upper buds remain above the surface.
  • To better take root cuttings, cover them with lutrasil or film, this will increase the survival rate of cuttings. The roots of cuttings appear approximately 30 days after rooting.

Why does edible honeysuckle have few berries, although the care for it is good?

Most likely due to the fact that it grows in the shade or you have only one bush. Honeysuckle is a cross-pollinated plant and bears fruit best if it grows in a group of 2 - 5 plants of different companions.

Honeysuckle does not tolerate stagnant waters. If the groundwater is close or the site is flooded with water for a long time, its roots begin to gradually die and the berry yield decreases.

In addition, on acidic soil, her foliage turns pale, and the harvest becomes scanty. Honeysuckle reacts poorly to mineral fertilizing (except for AVA fertilizer). It is better to feed it with organic matter annually, in early spring. You need to bring at least 1 bucket under the honeysuckle bush, which is brought in outside the crown perimeter. And also honeysuckle is a moisture-loving plant. In dry times, especially before fruiting, it needs to be watered, then there will be a good harvest.

Should honeysuckle be protected from frost?

Honeysuckle is very winter-hardy: its wood and growth buds tolerate frosts up to - 50 degrees, flower buds and roots up to - 40 degrees, and buds, flowers and young ovaries up to - 8 degrees.

Flowering takes place at the moment when the average daily temperature passes through 0 degrees (in North-West Russia this usually occurs in mid-April. Therefore, honeysuckle has time to bloom before the late spring frosts and is almost never damaged by them.

Why did the bark of young honeysuckle bushes suddenly burst?

Starting from 3 - 4 years of age, the bark "peels off" from the bushes, peeling off in long strips and exposing the reddish wood. Do not be afraid of this, this is the peculiarity of honeysuckle.

By the way, the same is observed in raspberries and red currants.

Every gardener dreams of growing a garden that delights not only with the fragrances and beauty of flowering crops, but also benefits health. That is why modern gardening approaches the issue of cultivation deliberately and medicinal plants are planted next to the usual garden crops, turning the plots into a natural pharmacy. Honeysuckle is one such plant. Its decorative properties, together with its healing properties, captivate gardeners with beauty and aromas, thanks to which the culture is used in landscape design for the design of gazebos and hedges. This article will reveal some of the nuances of the topic: planting honeysuckle in the fall.

Honeysuckle is a frost-resistant species that can grow in one place for many years and give a bountiful harvest. Belongs to the Honeysuckle family. The cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere are considered the birthplace of culture. The plant is widespread in East Asia and the Northern Hemisphere. In the wild, massive thickets of bush are observed in the Himalayan region.

To date, there are about 200 varieties of honeysuckle known. The most popular are Kamchatka honeysuckle and edible honeysuckle. A biological feature made the culture popular in cold and temperate regions. The southern regions are not very suitable for growing this crop.

Honeysuckle is a long-term and very hardy shrub that has fruits and reaches 1-2 m in height. The plant begins to bloom in the summer. Fruits ripen by mid-July. The berries of a blue shrub are 1.5 cm long, with red-purple flesh. The crop of the plant is edible and can be used both in pure form and in various preparations.

The culture has gained recognition as the earliest fruiting plant. Its fruits ripen by the end of June, while other crops are just beginning to form an ovary. The crop can be harvested until the first frost. Ripening of berries is uneven, so the harvest is carried out in several passes. Ripe fruits fall off and cannot be stored for a long time.

Planting honeysuckle in autumn

To grow a useful crop, experienced gardeners recommend planting a plant in the fall (late September - early October), after the bush enters a dormant phase. However, if the seedlings are purchased in containers (with a closed root system), spring is also suitable for planting on the site. Moreover, planting work can be performed both in early spring and in the second half of April. For a bountiful harvest, it is better to plant 2-3 seedlings.

Know! The culture also has decorative varieties, therefore, when choosing seedlings, it is important not to confuse fruit varieties with decorative ones.

How to choose a landing site

Culture can grow in almost any territory. But for proper development and a bountiful harvest, a sunny area is required. Drafts are quite detrimental to the plant, although moderate air circulation serves as the prevention of various viruses and diseases.

The best option would be to land near the house, where the north side will be closed, and the sides will be covered by trees, shrubs or hedges. Bushes of lilacs, currants and mock-mushrooms serve as good protection against drafts. The elevated areas are also not suitable for growing crops. It is recommended to choose low-lying areas, but not too swampy.

Remember! Honeysuckle is a delicate and fragile plant, so a strong draft can damage the bush.

Landing pit - what it should be

When planting a culture, it is necessary to observe the distance between the holes of 1.5-2 m. The row spacing is located at a distance of 2.5-3 m. The holes are dug 45-50 cm deep. The size of the holes for planting should be 50 by 50 cm.

How to properly prepare a hole for planting honeysuckle

The preparation of the landing pit is carried out according to the following plan:

  1. A hole should be dug 10 days before the planned planting. It can be of any shape.
  2. The bottom of the pit must be covered with drainage material - broken brick, gravel, expanded clay. Drainage layer at least 10 cm.
  3. A nutrient composition is prepared from the excavated soil. Combines 2 buckets of compost, 2 liters of wood ash, 100 g of superphosphate and earth. The resulting soil is poured into the pit and watered well.
  4. After 7-10 days, a hole is made in the center of the pit according to the size of the seedling roots.

The subtleties of planting honeysuckle seedlings and cuttings

A culture, like any shrub, can multiply in several ways: by seeds, cuttings, by dividing the bush and layering. In this case, seed propagation is not advisable. In addition, with such a breeding, there is a high probability of loss of the varietal qualities of the crop.

It is advisable to plant 2-3 seedlings, and choose different varietal species. After all, honeysuckle is self-fertile. For propagation of a culture by cuttings, the most fertile bushes should be selected without visible signs of diseases and the presence of pests. Successful grafting requires three conditions:

  • cuttings must be rooted in a shaded place, protecting delicate shoots from direct sunlight;
  • soil moisture should be increased;
  • the soil should be loose (a mixture of sand and peat in a ratio of 1: 3).

The most common propagation method for most shrubs is "green cuttings". Cuttings are harvested in summer. This is the most optimal time, because young shoots from tender and vulnerable, have turned into more durable, covered with thin green bark.

Annual shoots are cut as cuttings. At the selected shoot, a thin crown is cut off, with a stem thickness of 5 mm. The remaining part is cut into cuttings, each cut should not exceed 10 cm. Each cut should have at least 2-3 pairs of leaves.

On each cutting, the lower leaves are cut at the level of the sinuses, and the upper ones are shortened by half. Before planting, each cutting should be dipped in a rooting stimulator (Epin, Kornevin, Heteroauxin, etc.).

For your information! The beginning of fruit ripening is the best period for propagation by cuttings.

To plant honeysuckle seedlings, you need to check the quality of the soil. If the soil is fertile, then additional work is not required. Otherwise, you should prepare fertile soil mixed with humus or compost. The soil mixture is poured into the prepared hole.

Slightly stepping back from the center of the hole, a peg is driven in for further garter of the seedling. A seedling is placed in the center of the hole along with the previous earthy clod. The remaining void is gradually filled with fertile soil and plentifully spilled with water. There is no need to tamp the soil. The planted bush is neatly tied to a peg. Humus is poured on top of the soil or the soil is mulched.

Interesting! Before transplanting, it is recommended to place the seedlings in a heteroauxin solution (dilute 50 g of the product per 1 liter of liquid).

How to plant honeysuckle in autumn nuances

If planting is carried out in the autumn, then the seedling is deepened so that the root collar is at the level of the soil. As a result, during the rooting process, it will go deep into the ground by about 5 cm. The rhizomes should be straightened very carefully and sprinkled with a moistened substrate. The plantings are watered very abundantly - up to 10 liters of water are consumed per bush.

After planting, the surface of the hole is covered with mulch - peat, humus, or just dry foliage. It is very convenient to use hulls from sunflower seeds as mulch. If the bush is planted in the spring, then the planting work is much easier. Before planting, the soil in the container is well watered, because it must be removed along with the earth lump so as not to damage the roots. When transferred to the ground, the bark neck should remain at ground level.

Important! If you come across a seedling with roots sticking out of the soil, it is strictly forbidden to cut them!

What kind of care do young plantings need

Taking care of the plant is very simple. Bushes planted in autumn easily tolerate wintering. It is enough to cover the seedlings with coniferous needles for the first winter. In early spring, it is necessary to loosen the soil well around young plants. For the first year, the bushes need regular watering. Further, watering is carried out, taking into account the place of planting and the condition of the soil. It is imperative that the soil does not dry out. In extremely hot summers, daily watering may be required.

Top dressing begins to be applied only after three years of growth. If the bushes develop normally and give a good harvest, then you can do without mineral fertilizer complexes. At first, pruning is not required for the shrub. But more mature bushes (over 5 years old) need to be thinned out every season. There are no specific pruning rules, they cut off what clearly interferes and remove dried shoots.

Terms and features of planting honeysuckle

Honeysuckle is characterized by increased frost resistance, because it comes from Of the Far East and Eastern Siberia... Plant bushes can be found even in the Polar Region. And in the wild it is found in Kamchatka. It is the Far Eastern and Kamchatka species that are used in the breeding of varieties that adorn the country and country gardens.

In outskirts of Moscow

In the Moscow region, planting work is postponed to September. The place where the culture grows is sunny. Planting technology is standard, only the drainage layer is recommended to be left at least 15 cm.

In the middle lane

The culture is not afraid of frosts. Sharp thaws are most destructive for it, therefore it is important to control planting in the middle zone, where winter thaws are very frequent. In the summer, the plant does not tolerate extreme heat and drought, it can even lag behind in development and give a meager harvest.

Interesting! On the territory of central Russia, the popular varieties are Blue Bird, Moskovskaya-23, Dolphin, Blue Spindle. Many of them begin to bear fruit as early as June.

In the Urals

For the territory of the Urals, the same methods of reproduction of shrubs are relevant as for other regions. However, for better survival and good fruiting, it is recommended to choose a vegetative method, because propagation by seeds is too time and effort consuming. Harvesting of cuttings begins in May. For good rooting, the shoots are torn off along with part of the bark.

The rooting technology of cuttings is standard. Shoots are planted in wooden boxes with sand and covered with foil to create a greenhouse effect. Follow-up care consists of regular ventilation, regular watering and adequate lighting, protected from direct sunlight. After a couple of weeks, the seedling takes root and they can be planted on the site. Transplantation of seedlings to a permanent place of growth is carried out in the fall.

Do not forget that for breeding it is better to use varieties specially bred for cultivation in a specific climatic zone. The varieties for the Urals have increased frost resistance and early fruiting.

In Siberia

Culture feels great in Siberia. It is planted in this area everywhere, but they focus on frost-resistant varieties. Planting work should preferably be done in late spring. Autumn transplantation is dangerous due to the possibility of freezing of the still fragile root system.

Mainly two and three year old seedlings are planted. In this regard, planting pits are prepared of a larger size (up to 1 m in diameter and 0.7 m in depth). Planting without fail mulch with sphagnum moss.


Cultivating honeysuckle is a fairly simple process. The plant reproduces well in various climatic regions of Russia, in Siberia, in the Urals and in the Moscow region. Modern botany has many species and varieties of this culture. A properly selected type of shrub will be able to delight its owners not only with decorative beauty, but also with a useful and vitamin-rich harvest. And all the subtleties and nuances of growing crops are disclosed in the article: planting honeysuckle in the fall. Watch a video on the topic.

Honeysuckle is a magnificent garden shrub that can be used both as an element of landscape design and for harvesting sweet and sour fruits with a slight bitterness. Some of its varieties, for example, honeysuckle, are great for vertical gardening. She is decorated with garden gazebos, fences and walls. country houses... Brown's honeysuckle is distinguished by its dense greenery and beautiful flowers with a delicious delicate aroma. Tatarskaya will be ideal for lazy gardeners, caring for it is impossibly simple. And curly will be an excellent option for a hedge. How and when to plant this garden shrub and how to properly care for it is the topic of our article.

  • 1 Landing features
  • 2 Care rules
  • 3 Breeding order
  • 4 Diseases and pests

1 Landing features

This garden vine grows well on light, well-fertilized soils, especially when well-drained. Decorative honeysuckle, like barberry, loves the sun, therefore, for planting it, it is better to choose a light, but at the same time protected from the wind, place in your garden plot. Honeysuckle and its other varieties are best planted in spring. To do this, the soil in the planting hole should be mixed with humus, potassium salt and superphosphate fertilizers. Tatar, curly and its other variety goes deep into the ground by about 30 cm along with the root collar. Their near-trunk zone is mulched with peat. By the same principle, the nodding plant and its other types are planted. A video of the landing process can be found on the Internet.

Honeysuckle, brown and other decorative varieties of this garden shrub, to form a hedge and other elements of landscape design, must be planted at a distance of at least one and a half meters from each other. Such a planting will avoid unnecessary shading of this light-loving plant. Honeysuckle, which is considered edible, can tolerate shading, so it is right to plant it in a densely planted area of ​​the garden.

The climbing liana honeysuckle and other varieties of this plant are easily transplanted when you need to transfer them from one place to another. It is only important, if such a planting occurs, to completely exclude damage to their root system. To do this, the bush is transferred to a new place along with the ground and does not deepen when planting. In the spring, it is better not to replant this garden shrub, postponing this procedure for the period from the end of August until the first frosts hit in the fall.

2 Care rules

Brown's honeysuckle, honeysuckle, Tatar, nodding and its other varieties are slow-growing plants. But this vine, as well as a beautiful lilac hedge, will delight you with its beauty for many years. As for its edible variety, the first fruiting can be expected in the 3rd year after planting. Plant care is ridiculously simple. It concerns primarily watering, which should be abundant in the first half of the summer. This is especially true for its edible varieties to prevent the appearance of bitterness in the taste of berries. The fruits of edible honeysuckle need to be picked on time - they crumble very quickly.

In spring and autumn, adult bushes of the honeysuckle, Tatar and Brown varieties require sanitary pruning. This care will consist in the removal of dried, diseased or broken off branches. For old bushes, you can carry out a rejuvenating pruning - completely cut off their top, leaving a length of 50 cm from the soil surface, and already in the 2nd year, due to young shoots, the bush will completely recover. There is a video of a similar rejuvenation of shrubs on the Internet.

As for feeding this garden bush, it is enough to produce it once every 3 years. You need to use organic fertilizer for this.

Honeysuckle and other decorative honeysuckle, such as glittering or Tartar honeysuckle, require moderate watering. During the flowering period, ash can be added to the water prepared for irrigation.

Video about proper cultivation and care of the shrub

At the end of the fruiting of its edible variety, it is recommended that the blooming shoot be cut in half and treated with a Bordeaux mixture. Such care will prevent the appearance of a fungal infection on the bushes in the fall.

3 Breeding order

Brown's honeysuckle, Tatar, shiny, honeysuckle and its other varieties are cross-pollinated, so it would be correct to have several of its bushes of different types. Thus, you can achieve not only an increase in yield, but also a decorative design of your garden plot, if, of course, you take proper care of them both in spring, and in summer and even in autumn.

This plant, like many other ornamental shrubs, reproduces in three ways:

  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • seeds.

Video story about growing honeysuckle from seeds

The cutting method of reproduction, a video lesson of which can be found on the worldwide network, is the simplest. They are encouraged to use a novice gardener. If you decide to use seeds for this purpose, then you need to prepare them for planting in the fall and store them planted in the sand until spring in the refrigerator, and then just plant them in the soil. Such care for them will be the most correct, and the landing is not at all difficult.

4 Diseases and pests

Curly Tatar honeysuckle and its other varieties are considered quite susceptible to diseases and pests. Nevertheless, even if proper care was carried out, it is impossible to be completely sure that such an attack will not touch them. This garden shrub in spring, autumn and other times of the year can strike:

  • honeysuckle aphid, you can suspect its appearance by the suddenly yellowed leaves, and you should get rid of it by treatment with special preparations and spraying with infusions of garlic, tobacco and pepper;
  • honeysuckle mite - the plant reacts to it with the appearance of dark spots on the leaves;
  • scabbard - the bush affected by it looks lifeless and dries up quickly;
  • honeysuckle fingerwing - it affects the berries, which shrivel and fall off;
  • powdery mildew - forms a whitish bloom on the underside of the leaves, you can get rid of the defeat by treating the plant with wood ash;
  • phytoviruses - unfortunately, there is no getting rid of them. The bush struck by them will have to be dug up and burned.

Caring for any kind of honeysuckle is pretty straightforward. Therefore, anyone can plant this shrub in the open field, even a novice summer resident or gardener. It will be an excellent decoration for the garden, and its fruits can be eaten.

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