Original sandwiches for children: recipes for a holiday or breakfast. How to make delicious and fun sandwiches for a child's birthday Sandwiches for children's birthday

Every mother dreams that the child's diet is rich and healthy with vitamins, minerals, and children love tasty things. Sandwiches for children with chicken, meat and vegetables are a great way out so that mom is calm and the children are happy. In this review, we will look at the TOP 5 most interesting ideas for children's sandwiches.

Such a sandwich is based on well-known products: bread, sausage and cheese. They are accompanied by a wide variety of vegetables. And here it is important not just to “collect” a sandwich, but to decorate it, to make it “cool”. Such a serving of the dish, firstly, will please the younger generation, and secondly, it will help the mother to properly feed the children by hiding healthy, but not favorite vegetables inside.

sandwich ingredients
  • Rye bread - 0.5 kg.
  • Sausages for children or boiled sausage of the highest grade - 300 gr.
  • Butter.
  • Hard cheese - 150-200 gr.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc. red, yellow and green.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Green onion.
  • Dill.
  • Mayonnaise and ketchup to create "images".


Butter to withstand for some time at room temperature. Cut rye bread into thin slices. Cut out circles using a glass.

Cheese cut into slices. It is even better to take already chopped. Using the same glass, cut out circles.

Wash vegetables. Dry. Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into circles.

Start the real art of making children's sandwiches. Spread a circle of bread with a thin layer of softened butter.

Place a circle of sausage.

Put a circle of tomato or cucumber on the sausage.

Cover the sandwich with a circle of cheese, it plays the role of a kind of canvas of the artist.

Using thinly sliced ​​cucumbers and peppers, make funny animal faces. For the eyes, you can use black olives, for the mustache, drawing small details, use mayonnaise and ketchup.

Favorite cartoon characters

In addition to the zoological theme, sandwiches for children can be designed in the form of popular fairy-tale characters from cartoon films.

sandwich ingredients

  • Wheat or rye bread - 0.4 kg.
  • Butter.
  • Tomato - 1-2 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 1-2 pcs.
  • Olives.
  • Sweet pepper.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Ketchup.
  • Action algorithm
  • Brush the bread with butter.
  • Wash vegetables, dry.
  • Cut into thin plates, give the desired shape.
  • Cheese to take sliced.

Sandwich "SpongeBob"

Grease a rectangular bread with butter, put sausage, cheese with large holes on top. With the help of mayonnaise, make “big eyes” and the famous “teeth”, cut out “pupils” from olives. Draw a charming smile with ketchup.


To prepare sandwiches with images of your favorite Smeshariki, you need to cut circles from bread and cheese, cut sausage, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini into circles.

Fry eggplant and zucchini in a small amount of vegetable oil, use tomatoes and cucumbers immediately.

It is clear that the blue color of the Krosh rabbit or the lilac Lamb cannot be made, but you can invite the children to dream up and create their own Smeshariki.

Sandwich "Ladybug"

One of the most common sandwich recipes for kids suggests making them in the shape of a ladybug.


  • French baguette - 1 pc.
  • Boiled sausage of the highest grade - 0.3 kg.
  • Cheese - 0.3 kg.
  • Fresh tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Olives (pitted)
  • Butter.
  • Salad.

Action algorithm

Cut the baguette with a sharp knife. Dry in the oven.

Lubricate with oil previously aged at room temperature to soften.

Put a circle of sausage, cheese.

Top - a tomato circle (its diameter should be equal to the baguette).

From the olives cut out tiny circles with which to create the image of a ladybug.

Arrange sandwiches on lettuce leaves.

"Monsters" on a sandwich

Children love scary stories and stories, so they will be happy to eat sandwiches made in the form of various monsters. Even better, if mom allows them to participate in the creation of "great and terrible" dishes.

sandwich ingredients

  • French baguette - 0.5 kg.
  • Peanut butter.
  • Plum jam.
  • Apples, pears, plums.
  • Bananas.
  • Nuts.
  • Cinnamon.

Action algorithm

Baguette cut into circles. Dry the baguette pieces in the oven. Lay out on a large platter.

Spread part of the baguette circles with peanut butter, the other part with jam.

Rinse apples and pears, remove pits and ponytails. Cut into plates.

Wash plums, remove pits.

Peel and cut bananas.

Roast the nuts in a dry frying pan.

From fruits to make details of the face of monsters - eyes, nose, lips, ears, eyebrows. Nuts are used for "pupils", creating a terrible smile.

Scary? No, funny and delicious!

"At full sail!"

The marine theme is also a frequent guest on the children's table. You don’t even want to eat sandwiches in the form of sailboats, they are so beautiful.

First option

Cut rye bread into pieces. Lubricate with oil, using a special knife, make a wavy pattern in oil. Insert skewers into each piece of bread. Cut the cheese into triangles and put on a skewer in the form of a sail.

Second option

Cut rye bread, sausage and cheese into identical triangles, resembling a boat in shape. Brush the bread with butter. Put cheese and sausage. Insert skewers. Instead of scarlet sails, use plates of sweet bell pepper.

Third option

French baguette, cut into triangles, spread with soft cheese or cheese cream.

Lay the plates of red fish on top. Sails - slices of cheese, dressed on a skewer.

These recipes are just options, they are designed to wake up the mother's imagination, to make her make dishes for the child not only healthy and tasty, but also beautiful.

How sometimes parents just don’t have to excel in order to draw the attention of their capricious child to food. Various tricks and persuasions are used, but in fact the simplest way lies literally on the surface - you need to decorate the dish so that it arouses interest in the baby and literally asks the child to put it in his mouth. For this occasion, sandwiches for children are the best fit, which represent an endless field for imagination and the most daring experiments.

When creating sandwiches, you can realize almost any idea if you approach the process creatively, and a wide variety of characters can appear on an ordinary piece of bread - from cute animals and funny faces to cartoon characters. No need to think that creating beautiful children's sandwiches is an impossible task that requires certain skills. There is absolutely nothing complicated in cutting out various shapes from vegetables, fruits, eggs and other products and their subsequent layout. And if you involve your little helpers in the process, the process will go even faster, turning cooking into an exciting experience for the kids.

Many parents know how difficult it is to instill in a child a love of healthy foods, and sandwiches for children can come to your rescue in this regard. Even the most inveterate opponents of vegetables are unlikely to refuse sandwiches with mouth-watering faces carved from cucumbers, tomatoes or radishes. To make sandwiches a truly healthy snack, use whole grain bread, bran bread, or cereal crispbread, and avoid mayonnaise. Sandwiches for children can also be a real decoration for a children's party - for example, you can prepare appropriately decorated sandwiches so that they echo the color scheme or theme of the event. Do not forget to serve sandwiches on a “pillow” of lettuce leaves - this is not only beautiful, but also useful in order to teach children to greens: the kids themselves will not notice how they will sweep away everything that was on the plate along with funny sandwiches.

The simplest version of children's sandwiches is laying out funny faces on slices of bread. To do this, place a slice of cheese or ham on a piece of bread, and cut out the necessary details from cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers or radishes. To make the eyes more expressive, use black peppercorns or olives. Complement the muzzle with a fun hairstyle of greens, lettuce, grated carrots or grated cheese.

Similar sandwiches can be made not only from vegetables, but also from fruits. To do this, grease round crispbread with cream cheese or curd mass and form a muzzle where bananas with blueberries will be eyes, almonds will be a nose, and a slice of apple will be a smile.

In the same way, you can make sandwiches with images of animals and men. For example, to make a sandwich in the form of an owlet, put a slice of cheese on toasted toast, make eyes from circles cut from a boiled egg, supplementing them with olive rings, and then cut wings from halves of a cucumber slice, a beak from a carrot, paws from olives . Such an appetizing bird will fly into your baby's mouth by itself!

The cutest kitten can be made using bread, a slice of cheese and several types of sausage. The muzzle of the kitten is made of cheese, olives, olives and bell peppers, and the antennae of green onions complete the look.

From similar ingredients, you can build a monkey hooked on a branch with its tail on a sandwich, using crispy straws as a branch. Such an unusual performance of a sandwich will cause a lot of positive emotions not only in children, but also in adults.

No less impressive from the same ingredients is the king of beasts, importantly located on a sandwich. A bright mane carved from bell pepper will saturate the baby's body with vitamin C.

As you can see, from such simple ingredients you can make a wide variety of characters that will delight the younger generation. From the products at hand, you can collect butterflies, bunnies, elephants, hedgehogs, penguins, fish, birds and funny people on children's sandwiches.

If healthy sandwiches for kids are your goal, the same characters can be made by replacing regular bread with whole grains and using cottage cheese instead of cheese. Such an appetizer can become a complete nutritious breakfast for a growing organism.

If you don’t know how to surprise a crowd of kids for a holiday, prepare bright juicy sandwiches with ladybugs. To do this, put half a cherry tomato on each sandwich, make paws and a muzzle from olives, and eyes from mayonnaise or cream cheese. Black spots on the backs of insects are made from finely chopped olives. Ladybugs can be laid out on bread with cheese or on crackers smeared with cream cheese. Don't forget to top the sandwiches with dill or parsley. You can be sure that young gourmets will certainly appreciate such a fun appetizing appetizer.

New Year holidays are a great occasion to prepare sandwiches for kids with Christmas trees, Christmas balls, snowmen and New Year characters. In this case, you should take as a basis the traditional winter colors - white, red and green. A great option for healthy children's sandwiches in this case is slices of whole grain bread smeared with cream cheese with Christmas trees laid out on them from thin slices of cucumber, which are decorated with "balls" of red bell pepper. A slice of bread can also be laid out entirely with strips of cucumbers and decorated on top with a Christmas tree cut from Adyghe cheese or mozzarella.

If your child loves boiled eggs, please him with funny mouse sandwiches. They can be made from halves of boiled eggs by inserting radish circles into them in the form of ears. The eyes are made from black peppercorns or olives, the nose is made from carrots, and the antennae are made from green stalks.

Neutral compositions can also be depicted on children's sandwiches - for example, houses or flowers. A variety of vegetables will help you make these designs on sandwiches bright and appetizing.

An excellent hearty snack for kids can be bear sandwiches. To do this, brush slices of square bread with peanut butter or jam and make faces out of raisins, peanuts and banana slices.

On such sandwiches, you can also lay out the faces of other animals or funny faces. For example, on a slice of bread smeared with peanut butter, lay out eyes made from sliced ​​banana slices and a smile from peanut kernels.

By adding carrots and olives to the same ingredients, you can get charming bunnies on sandwiches. Complete sandwiches with figuratively carved carrots, and even the most capricious kids will sweep it away in one sitting, imitating a bunny.

If the kid is hungry "not like a child", cook him an impressive hamburger in the form of a funny monster. For this, you will need cream cheese or slices of regular cheese, ham and lettuce - all these ingredients must be placed between two halves of a hamburger bun. The composition is complemented by a naturally hanging tongue in the form of a thin slice of pickled cucumber, cut lengthwise, and eyes made of olives with pieces of carrots. The eyes should be fixed in the bun with toothpicks.

Of course, these are not all ideas, and you can come up with your own options for children's sandwiches, turning a snack or breakfast into a real treat for the little ones. Try to involve the younger generation in the process of creating sandwiches - this will not only help instill in children a love of cooking, but will also help lay the foundations for a healthy diet.

Sandwiches for kids are always fun, tasty and exciting, so take the time to decorate sandwiches for your little ones, and their happy smile will be the best reward for you! Bon appetit!

Children have a sincere love for sandwiches. Therefore, it is not necessary to beg them to eat for a long time. Creative decor only adds points to them. We offer to arrange a small master class on making children's sandwiches for birthdays and other family holidays.

let's live in peace

Touching mouse sandwiches conquer the hearts of little gourmets at first sight. Hard boil 2 eggs, peel and cut off a small part from the bottom - we get 2 stable bases. From a thin slice of boiled sausage, cut out the ears with cookie cutters. From another slice of sausage along the very edge, cut off a thin strip-curl, which will serve as a tail. We insert these elements into the slots on the protein. We make eyes and a nose from clove buds, and a mustache from dill stalks. It remains to seat the mice on toast with slices of ham or cheese. This tailed couple will never go unnoticed. Other vegetables and spices can be used as creative material for creating ponytails, eyes and ears!

Speckled airborne assault

"Ladybugs" is a real hit of snacks for a children's party. We cut off a thick circle from the baguette, grease with cream cheese and put a slice of ham. Crackers are also suitable as a base, and tender pate can be used for bonding. For this recipe, a strong oblong tomato is more suitable, which we will cut in half, you can also use cherry tomatoes. We make a deep cut in each half, creating the appearance of wings, and place a slice of cheese between them. We draw white dots on the tomato with mayonnaise. From olives we cut out the head and paws of a ladybug. By the same principle, we collect the rest of her friends. We decorate children's sandwiches with parsley leaves and beautifully seat them on a platter with lettuce leaves.

Oh, I'll ride with the wind!

Boys (and some girls) will appreciate the sandwich machine. Cut a small oblong rye bun lengthwise into two parts. In the upper half we cut a wide through hole for future passengers. Lubricate the lower half with butter, put slices of sausage, cheese, cover everything with lettuce. Next, we connect both halves and make wheels. To do this, we pierce the bottom of the sandwich with skewers through the front and back. We put thick circles of cucumber on their tips. The passengers of this car will be a couple of cute little sausages, with which we will draw funny faces with ketchup, or a boiled egg in a hat!

Creepy but cute birds

Angry birds sandwiches are a win-win option for a children's holiday. Cut the round bun crosswise into two parts and brush with butter. We cut the circle of sausage slightly from the bottom in a semicircle and put it on bread, cut out a forelock from the remnants. The eyes will be mozzarella balls and pieces of olives. Be sure to make scowling eyebrows. A small slice of yellow cheese will serve as a beak. We make another representative of the birds by replacing the circle of sausage with a large triangle of cheese. Only the beak in this case will be cut from sweet pepper, and the forelock from olives. Another way: try using a glass to cut out two round bases from bread, cut a corner from one of them. Place a piece of ham between the bases, and vegetables will be the decor for the eyes, beak and tufts: cucumbers, olives, carrots and sweet red peppers. Serve this "fun" duo on a platter surrounded by fresh greens.

Praise for owl wisdom

Festive for children may well be dessert. We offer to cook it in the form of an owl. Lubricate a slice of loaf with chocolate paste. We'll also need a handful of crescent-shaped cereal for kids. We make eyes out of them, complementing with blueberries, currants, cherries or other berries. Then we collect plumage from crescents, laying it out in a triangle in the center of the toast. Along the edges we place wings from semicircular slices of fruit. You can take an apple, pear or peach. The beak is cut from a piece of a red or green apple with a peel. The perfect meal is ready!

Sandwiches in the form of animals, cartoon characters, such as Nyusha the pig, Pin the penguin or SpongeBob, are a good move on the menu of children's holidays and picnics. For more original ideas, as well as recipes with step-by-step descriptions and photos, look at the Eat at Home! website. Share your creative ideas in the comments.

It is often difficult to persuade a child to sit down at the table and eat normally. The way out can be an unusual and cheerful sandwich that any child will definitely like. Of course, you will need patience and imagination, but isn't it worth it? Surprise your child with an unusual sandwich!

Sandwich - BUNNY - the base is made from a piece of bread with butter and cheese, if desired, put a piece of lettuce. We lay out a bunny figurine from sausage or children's sausage on the base. We also use carrots (raw or boiled, depending on the preferences of the child), dill, olives for the eye and a piece of olive for the nose and pupil.

Sandwich MONKEY ON A BRANCH is made from the same components as the first sandwich. Instead of a branch, we use a straw.

An unusual sandwich - LION Cub - the base and ingredients are standard, and we make the mane from Marble cheese, the handles, legs and belly from any other kind of cheese.

The MOUSE sandwich is a standard base of bread, lettuce and cheese, and the mice themselves are made from half a boiled egg, ears and tail from sausage, eyes - peppercorns or olives, mouth optionally from bell pepper, tomato or carrot.

LADYBUGS is another interesting sandwich and is very quick and easy to make. The base is bread with cheese and lettuce, put the halves of a small tomato or cherry tomato on top and cut to make wings. We make the head, legs and spots from olives.

Another version of LADYBUG is made from two types of sausage and black olives.

Sandwich LOCK AND KEY can be interesting to beat - after eating the whole sandwich, you will open the door and you can go outside to play, or, after eating the whole sandwich, you will become the smartest and most knowledgeable. The castle is made from boiled carrots or melted cheese. And the key is made of cheese and a piece of cucumber.

A fun sandwich ON THE LAWN will certainly please your child. We take bread, lettuce and cheese as a basis, and then we connect fantasy. We make a fly agaric from half an egg and a tomato, dots from mayonnaise. We spread 5-6 olives in a row and get a caterpillar, attach eyes from a piece of olives. The beetle can be made from olives and olives, and the legs and mustache can be made from onions or dill stalks.

Sandwich BUTTERFLY is made of bread, ham and cheese, we put slices of cucumber and radish on the wings.

Such a CHERRY will appeal to both a child and an adult. Put two radishes on bread with cheese and a lettuce leaf, lay out the legs and a leaf.

If the kid is hungry "not like a child", cook him an impressive hamburger in the form of a funny monster. For this, you will need cream cheese or slices of regular cheese, ham and lettuce - all these ingredients must be placed between the two halves of a hamburger bun. The composition is complemented by a naturally hanging tongue in the form of a thin slice of pickled cucumber, cut lengthwise, and eyes made of olives with pieces of carrots. The eyes should be fixed in the bun with toothpicks.

When making sandwiches for kids, the main thing you need is just to show your imagination!

Deer Rudolph

Ice cream

Cozy houses

cute insects


Aunt Owl

The sandwich is one of the most common snacks in the world. Its popularity is extremely high among fans of any cuisine in the world, as well as among people of all age categories.

In literal translation "a sandwich" means "bread and butter". However, in the modern world, this concept has gone far beyond such a simple recipe. To prepare all kinds of sandwiches, such a huge number of a wide variety of products are used that it is impossible to list them all.

As for preparing a festive table for a children's birthday, sandwiches will be very appropriate here, and with the right approach in choosing products, they will be appreciated by children - that is, not even crumbs will remain of them.

Preventing the butter sandwich from falling down

General rules for choosing products for children's sandwiches

1) Do not use mayonnaise, ketchup, sausage, canned fish and meat, salt, sugar, pepper and other spicy seasonings in significant quantities.

2) When choosing bread, it is advisable to give preference to varieties made from wholemeal flour - they are much more useful in terms of vitamin and mineral composition, as well as other health-promoting properties. We should also not forget about the benefits of rye bread and its reduced calorie content.

3) Do not forget about the beautiful design of sandwiches: to a large extent, an attractive appearance will guarantee success with a child. In order to decorate this dish, you can use one or two products with bright colors: tomato, carrot, sweet pepper (yellow, orange or red), herbs, fruits.

4) The ingredients of the sandwich should not crumble, otherwise it is very likely that as soon as the child starts eating, they will instantly be on the floor. In addition, it is highly undesirable for the filling to drip or run off the sandwich.

Children's sandwiches "Ladybugs"

Grocery list:

  • White bread
  • Butter
  • Sour cream
  • Salted red fish (salmon, salmon, trout) or ham
  • Small tomatoes (cherry is good)
  • Olives
  • Parsley or lettuce

Cooking technique:

1) Soft butter is spread on bread.

2) Thinly sliced ​​fish or ham is placed on top of the butter.

3) The tomato is cut into two halves, and one half is placed on top of the sandwich with the convex side up.

4) Draw white dots on the tomato with sour cream - to make it look like a ladybug.

5) The olives are cut in half and the half is applied to the tomato to create a “head” for our ladybug. If desired, you can even cut “legs” from olives and spread them on the sides of the tomato.

6) We place the greens at the “head”, as if the ladybug decided to have breakfast.

7) Sandwiches are ready! During the celebration of the child’s birthday, you can serve them to the children’s table and tell an interesting story that magical ladybugs have flown into the fruit and vegetable garden, so you need to immediately eat them all before they destroy all the stocks of festive fruits and cake.

Sweet milk and fruit toast sandwiches

List of products for 1 serving:

  • White bread or loaf - 5-6 slices
  • Milk - 150 ml
  • 1-2 eggs (optional)
  • Cream - 50-70 gr
  • Butter
  • Salt and sugar
  • Strawberries, kiwi, mango, or other fruits

Cooking technique:

1) Bread is cut into slices. Their size can be either the entire width of the loaf or less.

2) A pinch of salt and sugar are added to the milk to taste, stirred. If desired, you can add 1-2 eggs and mix.

3) Bread should be placed in a milk solution and wait a little for it to soak.

4) Butter is placed on a heated frying pan, then the bread is fried on both sides.

5) Apply a thin layer of cream on the fried bread. They are needed in order to retain fruits, and at the same time for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

6) We take any bright fruits that have a firm texture and do not let out too much juice. Cut into slices and place on bread.

7) Children's toast sandwiches are ready! It is better to serve them to the table while they are still warm: they are good as an intermediate snack during the celebration of a child's birthday.

Children's sandwiches "Mouse fuss"

Grocery list:

  • Rye bread
  • Butter
  • Hard cheese
  • Quail eggs
  • Carrot
  • Olives
  • Beet

Cooking technique:

1) Boil eggs, peel and cut in half. Boil carrots and beets.

2) Lightly grease the bread with butter, put the cheese on it. Preference should be given to cheese varieties that have "holes" - this will create the impression that mice have gnawed through it.

3) The egg halves are laid on the cheese with the convex side up. In order to keep them better, you can anoint the space under them with oil. For each sandwich, you can place two halves of an egg, i.e. "mice".

4) Boiled carrots are cut into circles, from which mouse “ears” are made and fixed in the egg. The tail of the mouse can also be made from carrots.

5) Small pieces of olives will be needed to make "mouse eyes".

6) The final touch is the “mouse mouth” from a piece of boiled beets. You can make it in the form of a “smile”, or you can make a “nose” instead.

7) Sandwiches can be served on the table, informing the children that mice have climbed into the pantry with holiday products, attracted by the delicious smell of cheese. And since there is no cat in the house, one of the games at the children's birthday party will be a competition to eat mouse sandwiches!

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