Singer Basil - who is he, where is he from, what is his real name? Vasily Pisarenko singer.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Today I am pleased to present to your attention a new star of Russian pop music. So meet - basil!

Recently, the work of the singer Balil was taken under his wing by the famous producer Oleg Nekrasov.

Basil was announced on the website of the production company MagpieMusic( - created by your obedient servant) and work began.

Were filmed interesting Clips Basil — « Money" and " The Perfect Kill". Getting ready to go Basil's new clip « Ay-ay-ya”, the soundtrack of which has already sounded in the series "Fizruk". In short, the work is in full swing ...

And today Basil sang the song " Ay-ay-ya» live ( live) on the Radio Europe Plus. Nothing characterizes the level of an artist like a live performance. Live show is when there is you, a microphone and musicians. And there is no protective barrier of the phonogram.

Basil performed superbly - judge for yourself! So, new star of domestic pop music Basil:

Lyrics of the song "Ai-yay-ya" (Basil)

I will forget everything that you drew me with benefits
I'll try to find out what happiness means without a Ferrari
All it takes is a pair of legs and eyes
I must learn to be alive here and now
For the first time I will leave the entrance without creating a route
Damn, I forgot the clock, okay, because I'm not expected anywhere
Well, what's the difference - Tuesday or Friday?
When they smile at you

Someone might think that I'm an idiot
After all, it seems, for no reason, I smile in my mouth
But trust me, it's much funnier from the side
Live your whole life with a poker face, what is more important to you?
I know it's not accepted, but you'll forgive me
I destroyed Monday in my orbit
And I don't need your mom's approval
If I decided to go ahead, then here is my program
It seems to be winter, but the city is melting underfoot
And I, I go, I consider the oncoming girls with my eyes

Ai-yay-yay, I will not believe the winds
I want to know the whole world, looking around
Ay-yay-yay, I forgot what happened yesterday
But I remember that there will be a new game tomorrow

Hey, who didn't hide under the shell? It seems there are those
It's high time for someone to change the soft sofa for a flight
But what difference does it make whether you are there or here?
We absorb everything that is of keen interest

Ai-yay-yay, I will not believe the winds
I want to know the whole world, looking around
Ay-yay-yay, I forgot what happened yesterday
But I remember that there will be a new game tomorrow
Ai-yay-yay, I will not believe the winds
I want to know the whole world, looking around
Ay-yay-yay, I forgot what happened yesterday
But I remember that there will be a new game tomorrow

Basil (group) - Wikiwand


Music band

Basil - Ai-yay-ya (Video premiere!) Live concert. Basil Group

"Basil"- a pop group created by Vasily Pisarenko (hence the pseudonym - Basil) (vocals) on May 05, 1988. This group became famous for the hit "Ai-yay-ya", which became one of the soundtracks of the popular TV series recent years. However, the group has other well-known songs: "Money", "Perfect Murder" and others.

The group was announced on the Soroka Music website.

Recently, the group has been promoted by the famous producer Oleg Nekrasov.

The lyrics are written by the performer himself - Basil, and the songs are performed only live.

The hit "Ai-yay-ya" was used as a soundtrack for the TV series Fizruk, which added popularity and recognition to the group.

The first hit "Ai-yay-ya" was first heard at the end of 2014, in the famous television series Fizruk. Basil spent more than half a year in the TOP 40 Europe Plus ranking, setting a modest record.

In 2015, he took part in a concert dedicated to the Cosmonaut Day.

Summer 2016 - Basil's joint song with the famous rap artist Dzhigan was released for the song "Ready for Anything", and the video and the song were in the top ten most popular in the CIS.

November 2016 - starred in the title role in the short story "Unity", which is part of the series of films "9 Lives" by singer Nyusha.

December 2016 - the album "Hurricane" is released.

2017 - took part in the Christmas program "Journey to Christmas".

January 2017 - took part in the jury of the contest "Miss Moscow State University 2017"

Frederic Bazille, paintings with titles, biography

The short life of this remarkable French artist did not allow the full development of his talent and did not leave us as many works as one might expect from a longer life. Nevertheless, during his 28 years of living, Jean Frederic Bazille managed to achieve extremely much and became one of the creators of, perhaps, the most controversial genre of painting - impressionism.

The future master was born in 1841 in the French city of Montpellier. His parents were wealthy bourgeois of the Protestant faith, who gave the boy a good education. His father was a winemaker, because the Herault region has always been famous for its warm climate, perfect for growing grapes and growing fruit trees. Perhaps the picturesque natural environment influenced the artistic perception of the future master and became the basis of his peculiar vision of the world, was reflected in his canvases.

The formation of the talent and creative style of the future master was greatly influenced by the paintings of the classics of French painting - Gustave Courbet and Eugene Delacroix. Frederic was able to get acquainted with their works and the works of other great masters thanks to the presence of the Fabre Museum in Montpellier, which he often visited during his studies at the Lyceum of the city. This museum contains many paintings and drawings collected by the artist François-Xavier Fabre.

Despite his passion for painting, Basil began to study medicine in 1859. Three years later he went to continue his studies in the capital. There he studied art for two years with the Swiss artist Charles Gleyre. It was during his studies in painting that he made friends with Claude Monet, met Auguste Renoir and deeply immersed himself in the process of forming and developing his own artistic vision.

During his years in Paris, Basile finds himself at the center of contemporary artistic and artistic bohemia. He met such famous masters as Paul Cezanne, Armand Guillaumin and Alfred Sisley. Each of them, as well as Renoir and Monet, who were close friends of Frederick, one way or another had a serious influence on his formation as a master. However, he managed to develop and maintain his own style of writing, as evidenced by his paintings.

Such a creative and advanced environment helped the master master his own style of painting, which gives reason to art historians to recognize Basil as the founder of impressionism. Like later other representatives of this genre of painting, he worked a lot in the open air, that is, in the open air, which immediately distinguishes the works of the Impressionists from the classic “sleek” studio canvases of the representatives of the old school. Frederic was especially interested in capturing a person surrounded by nature, conveying his state and impressions, sensations and emotions. This is what the new painting radically differed from the old academic style of painting with its formalism, static or far-fetched poses and hackneyed subjects.

The master wrote for exhibitions in the Paris Salons, as well as to decorate the estate of his family in the vicinity. hometown Montpellier. These canvases have been preserved and are now in the largest museums in France. Among them, the most famous are "Pink Dress", "View of the Village", "The Artist's Family on a Terrace near Montpellier".

When the Franco-Prussian war began, the artist found it impossible for himself to give up the defense of the fatherland and fulfilled his civic duty by going to fight as a volunteer. Unfortunately, the young, talented artist was killed in action in Burgundy in 1870. He lived only 28 years. Who knows what heights he could have reached had he survived?

Frederic Basil. Biography. Paintings. Impressionist painters

Jean Frédéric Bazille. 1841-1870

French artist. One of the founders of impressionism. Biography and paintings

Born December 6, 1841 in France in the city of Montpellier. Frederick's parents dreamed that their son would become a doctor, but he himself chose a different path. In 1859, Basil began to master medicine. Subsequently, he will move to Paris to gain new knowledge. From that moment on, medicine ceases to occupy Frederick's thoughts, he devotes himself to painting. From 1862 to 1864, Basil studied under the guidance of Charles Gleyre.

A meeting with impressionist artists had a significant influence on the formation of Basil's life position. Pierre Auguste Renoir, Alfred Sisley, Claude Monet became friends of the young man. The home of the novice artist soon became a studio and meeting place for many creative people, and the heroes early works Basil turned out to be his artist friends.

These like-minded artists were at the origins of a new trend called impressionism. Relying on creative principles Manet and Courbet, young people developed their own view of art and life reflected in art.

Basil regularly worked in the open air. He was especially attracted by the image of a person against the backdrop of nature. Frederick's paintings have always been distinguished by skillful work with color and light. Also, a large number of Basil's works are devoted to the views of Normandy.
All the artist's works are distinguished by the spirituality of images. This effect is largely achieved due to bright, light colors, sunlight. Since 1886, he periodically participated in the Salons.

One of the most famous works of Basil was the painting "Family Reunion". It was established in 1867. It was this canvas that became a characteristic example of figurative art. The work was presented at the Paris Salon, which was funded by the city authorities.

It is interesting that the picture is autobiographical, as its heroes are members of the artist's family. The masterful use of color and the virtuoso description of human figures made this canvas a prime example of realistic impressionism.

Already next year, the artist exhibits the work "Summer Scene" ("Bathers") for the public to judge. And this canvas was directly connected with the life of the artist: the heroes of the work were Basil's relatives and friends, who bathed in the family estate.

In 1870, the artist volunteered for the Franco-Prussian war. Unfortunately, already on November 28, 1870, Basil died in the battle of Beaune-la-Ronde.


  • Biography
  • Basil, singer
  • Real name and surname: Vasily Pisarenko
  • Birthday: May 3, 1988 Age 30 (Tuesday), completed years: 30
  • ♉ Basil was born under the zodiac sign Taurus.
  • According to the Chinese horoscope, Basil was born in the year of the Dragon. Element: earth.



Basil, Frederic is ... What is Basil, Frederic?

Jean Frederic Bazille, better known as Frederic Bazille(fr. Jean Frederic Bazille, 1841-1870) - French painter, one of the founders of impressionism.


Frederic Bazille was born on December 6, 1841 in the French city of Montpellier (Department of Herault), into a bourgeois Protestant family. He became interested in painting under the influence of paintings by Eugene Delacroix.

In 1859 he began to study medicine. In 1862 he moved to Paris to continue his studies. He studies in the workshop of Charles Gleyre (1862-1864), where he meets Claude Monet. In the capital, he met Auguste Renoir and seriously began to engage in fine arts. In the period from 1862 to 1864 he studied in the workshop of Charles Gleyre. He was closely acquainted with Paul Cezanne, Armand Gioymenom, Alfred Sisley, was on friendly terms with Auguste Renoir and Claude Monet.

The artist was killed on November 28, 1870 in a battle in the Burgundy Forest [ source unspecified 276 days] near Bon-la-Roland during the Franco-Prussian war.


  • "Pink dress" ( La Robe rose), 1864, Musee d'Orsay, Paris
  • "Auguste Renoir" Portrait d'Auguste Renoir), 1867, Museum of Fine Arts, Algiers
  • "In the family" ( Reunion de Famille), 1867, Musee d'Orsay, Paris
  • "Workshop at rue La Condamine, 9, in Paris" ( L'Atelier de la rue La Condamine), 1870, Musee d'Orsay, Paris


  • Village view

    Pink dress


  • Pascal Bonafoux: Bazille, les plaisirs et les jours, (1994)


Nadine Bazille - Wikipedia.

Wikipedia has articles about other people with the surnames Basil and Bessarabova.

Nadine Basil(French Nadine Basile, real name Nadezhda Fyodorovna Bessarabova; April 1, 1931 (1931-04-01), Paris, France - June 29, 2017) - French

The Youth of Impressionism - Navody

News from the art world

Frederic Basil. Bathers (summer scene), 1869

In Paris, the Musée d'Orsay hosts the Youth of Impressionism exhibition, dedicated to the French painter Frédéric Bazille (1841-1870), one of the founders of Impressionism, though less well-known than other bright names in this artistic movement. By the age of 28 before his death in the Franco-Prussian War in 1870, he managed to write about 60 works.

The most famous picture Basil's "Pink Dress" was written in 1864. The painting shows Frédéric Basil's cousin, Thérèse de Orse, whose family often visited Basil's estate in Merik in the summer. The house and its surrounding area were slightly higher, overlooking the village. Basil portrayed Teresa on the terrace at the far end of the garden. She wears a simple dress with vertical pink and silver gray stripes, and a black apron. Teresa sits with her back to the viewer, and looks towards the village, the roofs of the houses are covered with orange colored tiles, typical of that area.

Frederic Basil. Pink dress, 1864

The works at the exhibition are presented in chronological and thematic order - genre scenes, portraits, still lifes, nudes and landscapes in the open air. The artist began as a realist and then superbly embodied the values ​​of Impressionism, a style considered avant-garde in the 1860s. The "face" of the exhibition was the painting "In the family circle" from the collection of the Musée d'Orsay. In this group portrait, Basil depicted himself with his parents and brother, uncles, aunts, cousins ​​and cousins.

Frederic Basil. In the family circle, 1867

Other key works of the artist are "Self-portrait with a palette", "The ramparts in Aigues-Morte", "View of the village", as well as "The artist's studio on the Rue de la Condamine in Paris" and "Negro woman with peonies".

Frederic Basil. Self-portrait with palette, 1865-1866. Art Institute of Chicago

Frederic Basil. Ramparts at Aigues-Mortes, 1867

Frederic Basil. Portrait of Renoir, 1867. Private collection

Frederic Basil. View of the village, 1868

Frederic Basil. Artist's studio at 9 rue de Condamine in Paris, 1870

Frederic Basil. Negro woman with peonies, 1870

The exposition is complemented by works by Eugene Delacroix and Gustave Courbet, thanks to which Frederic Bazille became interested in painting, as well as his friends - Renoir, Monet, Manet, Sisley, Cezanne and others. The paintings were sent by the Musee d'Orsay, the National Gallery in Washington, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Petit Palais Museum in Geneva, Städel in Frankfurt am Main, the National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo.
The Youth of Impressionism exhibition will be open at the Musée d'Orsay until March 5, and then will move to the National Gallery in Washington (April 9 - July 9, 2017).
A few more works by Frederic Basil, confirming the opinion of some art historians that, if not for the Franco-Prussian War, it is quite possible that Basil would have become the most important and successful impressionist.

Frederic Basil. Studio on Furstenberg Street, 1865

Frederic Basil. Still Life with Fish, 1866. Art Institute, Detroit

Frederic Basil. Flowers, 1868. Museum of Fine Arts, Grenoble, France

Frederic Basil. Landscape on the banks of the Lez, 1870

Frederic Basil. Toilet. 1870. Fabre Museum

Frederic Bwzil. Flowers. 1870

Brief biography of the artist
Frederic Basil was born on December 6, 1841 in the family of a wealthy winemaker, in the city of Montpellier. After studying at the Lyceum, he studied medicine. Frequently visiting the Fabre Art Museum, he became interested in painting. The cozy and beautiful museum of the city of Montpellier was named after the artist Francois Xavier Fabre (1766-1837), a student of one of the most prominent representatives of classicism, Jacques Louis David (1748-1825).
In 1862, Frederic moved to Paris to continue studying medicine, but he already realized that his vocation was not in the medical field, and enrolled in the painting workshop of Charles Glyer. He worked in the workshop until 1864, where he became close friends with Auguste Renoir, Claude Monet and Alfred Sisley. Basil did not suffer from lack of money and generously shared bread, shelter and money with friends.
In the end, he failed the exams in medicine, but his parents accepted his choice and did not deprive him of funds. Basile rented his first workshop in Paris. Monet, Renoir, Sisley in different years enjoyed his hospitality, lived with him and accepted other gifts from his generosity.
For the first time, Basil sent his works to the official Salon in 1866. Then he sent his works to the Salon annually, and they were usually accepted, but very selectively.
In the summer of 1870, Frederic Basil worked on his parents' estate in Montpellier, and on August 10 he enlisted in the Zouave regiment. And on November 28, he died near Bon-la-Roland, not having lived a few days to twenty-nine years, forever remaining a young artist.


Singer Basil - who is he, where is he from, what is his real name?

    Basil is a group, not a singer, which was created in 2012 and consists of soloist Vasily Pisarenko, he was born on May 5, 1988, and guitarist Viktor Kucher, he was born on May 2, 1988. They became famous thanks to the song in 2015, she became the soundtrack for the series Fizrukquot ;. You can see about the group here.

    Many have probably heard the song on the radio or TV called

    A very popular song at the moment and many are interested in who sings it

    Yes, and this track sounded in the very popular TV series Fizruk

    Basil performs this song - only this is a group in which several people

    The members of the group are called Vasily and Victor, and now the peak of their popularity.

    Both members of the band were born in 1988 and their musical career is just beginning.

    Russian group Basil the name of the performer, vocalist Vasily Pisarenko pseudonym - Bazil. The guitar is Viktor Kucher, this group writes soundtracks for TV shows. A group of two people were both born in May 1988.

    The real name of the singer and composer Basil Vasily Pisarenko. Finding this information was not so easy. From the biography of the singer, it is only known that he was born in Russia on May 3, 1988. He has been performing since 2012 and is now very popular.

    As far as it was possible to find out, under the name Basil there is a Russian group, more precisely a duet, formed in 2012. The group is named after one of the participants - Vasily Pisarenko, the second is a guitarist, his name is Viktor Kucher, both were born in May 1988. More detailed information about them could not be found.

    Indeed, now the groups Basil very popular and collects thousands of arenas of its fans. Although the group consists of two people who write soundtracks for TV shows, but all the same, their songs came out to the people and are now popular. Follow their news on their official website

    Vkontakte has information that the musical compositions of the Russian group Basil cannot be attributed to any particular style.

    The songs are written on a light motive, the text takes the soul.

    By the way, the lyrics are written by the performer himself - Basil, and the songs are performed only livequot ;.

    Hit used as a soundtrack for the series Fizrukquot ;, which added popularity and recognition to the group.

    The real name of the performer is Vasily Pisarenko (hence the pseudonym - Basil), musical accompaniment is Viktor Kucher, guitar.

    Both were born in May 1988.

    Actually Basil this is not one singer, but a group consisting of two musicians: Vasily Pisarenko, who was born on May 05, 1988, and Viktor Kucher, who was born on May 24, 1988. The group is primarily best known for the song Ai-yay-yaquot ;, which is the soundtrack to the TV series Here is the band's official website:

    here is his official website

    I understand that under the name Basil there is not one person hiding, but a whole group of their songs - Perfect Murderquot ;, Moneyquot ;, Patikaruselquot ;, and with the song which sounded in the TV series fizruk group became famous. They have an official website I have not found anything else about them yet, because they have just begun to unwind.

    Basil — musical group, consisting of two participants: Vasily Pisarenko, born in 1988 and Viktor Kucher of the same age. This group became famous for the hit Ai-yay-yaquot ;, which became one of the soundtracks of the popular TV series in recent years. However, the group has other famous songs: Moneyquot ;, Perfect Murder other.

basil- a modern musician whose songs everyone knows. The first hit "Ai-yay-ya" was first heard at the end of 2014, in the famous television series "Fizruk". Exactly 7 seconds, and the song soared to 15th place in the Shazam rating, becoming the most wanted song among Russian-speaking performers.

Following this, the song began to conquer all the largest radio stations in the CIS, and to this day is in hot rotation.

This was followed by new songs: "Kolya", My May", "Look for another" and new song"Hurricane", they are all regularly played on radio stations, as well as all the clips are in rotation on top music TV channels.

In the summer of 2016, a joint song by Basil with the famous rap artist Dzhigan was released for the song "Ready for Anything", and the video and the song are currently in the top 10 most popular in the CIS.

Modern music is rapidly changing, transforming the forms and styles of sound. Basil's first album "URAGAN" is a modern pop-funk with elements of hip-hop, reggae and good old rock and roll, for this reason Basil performs exclusively with a live group of eminent musicians, blowing the heads of listeners at concerts. It's not enough to listen to this music in the player, you need to see it live.

Basil can be regularly seen on air and entertainment TV channels, as a guest or star character.

Now Basil is working on a new disc, with high-quality, modern sound, in the best traditions of the British scene, and most importantly - in Russian. We decided to chat with Basil and get to know him a little better. Few artists perform every time with a live band. Why did you decide to play in such a line-up?

Basil: The modern world and the economy of customers dictate their conditions to artists, because it is much more profitable to invite a star without an orchestra, although not everyone knows that almost all stars have their own musicians.
The reason why we perform as a band is very simple, my songs only sound good live, the way they are recorded live. It is difficult to imagine a rock star singing to the soundtrack, the same reason for everything. It's much more difficult.. How often do you rehearse and how quickly did you play?

Basil: We have been playing like this all our lives, I am more surprised by people who sing under the minus ... But for Russia this is in the order of things, all the national festivals do not bother at all, many artists "sing under the minus", live broadcast - "sing under the plus", no one does not want to spend extra time and money on installing equipment, as a result it turns out as it turns out. The exceptions are DJs and rappers... they have their own vibe.
We do not rehearse so often, we have played our songs so many times that we can wake up in the middle of the night and we will play. Do you arrange so-called apartment houses for your listeners?

Basil: They haven’t arranged for fans yet, but regularly with friends and colleagues. By the way, we'll do it! What style of music do you like best and why exactly?

Basil: I'm so open to modern culture that I like everything, every genre has its own buzz, lately I'm fond of the British scene in general, in general European music is ahead now, but this is my feeling. As far as we know, is a new record being prepared now? How long have you been working on it?

Basil: Not very long, everything is new - nowhere fresh. I've been writing for a few months... Will it differ in style from the first album "Hurricane"?

Basil: In my opinion, yes, but I tried to somehow bring the audience to this with the last songs in the hurricane, this is the "hurricane" itself and "my May". What do you think is the most important thing for any musician?

Basil: Responsiveness! Any. Do you believe in luck? And what is success for you?

Basil: Luck, in my opinion, is the initial set of our talents and worldly qualities, we build everything else ourselves, using the tools available to us. Success for me is my new listener. What does your day not go without?

Basil: I would like to be original, but it doesn’t work without music, well, food ...) Do you have any idols? Maybe people you would like to be like?

Basil: No. There are people that I like for their features, but I can't call them idols, they are probably some kind of teacher or example. I wonder what your life motto is?

Basil: My motto is get up, work hard) Actually, I didn’t think about the motto. Probably the best motto is if something doesn't suit you, change it.

Concert and holiday agency 123 SHOW - ordering pop stars for corporate events, weddings, anniversaries, private holidays. Invitation of foreign pop stars. Stars of Russian show business as hosts of your events. Organization and holding of "turnkey" holidays. Recommendations for the selection of artists, taking into account the specifics of your celebration.

The mysterious charming singer, with a magnificent voice, performing under the unusual stage name "Basil" - Vasily Pisarenko. A gifted performer was born in 1988, on May 3. Basil is not only a great pop musician and singer, but also the author of his own songs. The main feature of the performer is an impeccable style. He adheres to it in everything he does, including the music he writes and performs. Vasily's famous hits from the first chords captivated the audience - "Kolya", "Ai-yay-ya", "Look for another" and many others. The songs "blew up" social networks, having more than a million views and downloads. Radio stations took the singer's compositions into rotation. His songs began to sound on popular music TV channels. Basil's success was lightning fast and overwhelming. It seemed that this guy was lucky everywhere. So easily and quickly he was able to achieve love and enthusiastic responses from his many fans. The well-known label SorokaMusic signed a cooperation contract with the artist. Vasily's impressive concert performances are filled with creative experiments and improvisations. The songs of the original young performer are notable for their simplicity of melody, modern bright sound, brilliant stylish arrangements. The guy has a great pleasant and soft timbre of voice. You can invite Basil to the party.

Vasily recorded his first music album in 2016. The songs of the collection are mainly dedicated to love, girls - successful, creative, stylish, dynamic. Basil often refers to the weaker sex in his compositions, marveling at the beauty of women, the ability to influence men and the world around them. The artist fills his songs with deep emotional experiences and feelings. They sound very soulful and sincere. Girls, for their part, do not deprive Basil of attention. The handsome singer has no end to the admirers.

We sincerely recommend calling and ordering Basil for a birthday, corporate party, wedding, celebration. The phenomenal cheerful concert performance of the "brilliant" artist will not leave anyone indifferent. The singer is incredibly charismatic and popular with the public. His luxurious voice is magical natural gift. Already today, Basil's concerts have gained unprecedented popularity, because the fame of the young talented artist has spread far beyond the borders of Russia. If you want to spend your festive evening in an impressive and fun way, then Basil is the singer you should invite. This artist skillfully creates an atmosphere of joy and captivates guests on the dance floor. Guests will be incredibly delighted with the concert of a fashionable star.

You can invite Basil to a holiday, order Basil's performance for a corporate party, wedding, anniversary or birthday with the help of our concert and holiday agency 123 SHOW. Entrust the organization and holding of your holiday to the specialists of our company! The cost and price of Basil's performance at a holiday, corporate event, wedding - check with the managers of our concert agency via the feedback form or by phone.

Specialists of the concert agency 123 SHOW will contact you and help answer all your questions.

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